Vo Tan Duc1, Lê Duy Thiều2, , Nguyen Quang Thai Duong1, Le Duy Mai Huyen3, Huynh Phuong Hai1
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, City. Ho Chi Minh
3 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Ho Chi Minh

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Purpose: 1. Finding value of dynamic imaging of Gadoxetic acid in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, 2. Finding value of magnetic resonance imaging with Gadoxetic acid in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Retrospective and Prospective study: Cross-sectional descriptive study. 40 patients with 47 liver leisons which cut and had histology result. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy in detecting hepatocellular carcinoma of  dynamic imaging of Gadoxetic acid are 70%, 28,6%, 84,8%,16,7% and 75%, respectively; with small hepatocellular carcinoma </= 20mm, sensitivity is 61,5%. The sensitivity, positive predictive value and diagnostic accuracy in detecting hepatocellular carcinoma of magnetic resonance imaging with Gadoxetic acid are 95%, 84,4% and 80,1%, respectively. Especially, the hepatobiliary phase increase the sensitivity in detecting small hepatocellular carcinoma </= 20mm (from 61,5% to 100%). Conclusion: 1. Dynamic imaging of Gadoxetic acid has high sensitivity in detecting hepatocellular carcinoma. In fact, some hepatocellular carcinoma only confirm in these phases. 2. Dynamic imaging of Gadolinium is still useful because of its higher sensitivity. 3. Magnetic resonance imaging with Gadoxetic acid has high sensitivity diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, especially its sentivity is 100% in detecting small hepatocellular carcinoma (</= 20mm). So, hepatocellular carcinoma patients shoud be checked with magnetic resonance imaging with Gadoxetic acid before treated, especially hepatectomy.

Article Details


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