Dao Tien Manh1, Cao Van Khanh1, Pham Viet Hoat1, Vu Van Bac1, THÀNH LUÂN PHẠM2,
1 Institute of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine - Military Hospital 175

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Purpose: We conduct this survey to evaluate the role of  PET/CT on CUP patients. Describe characteristic of primary tumor.

Subject and menthod:

Results: 59 patients with cervical lymp node metastasis of CUP had PET/CT scan,  the mean age of patients was 53.6±13.3. There were 38/59 patients (64.4%) detected primary tumor by PET/CT, however, only 32/38 patients were confirmed as malignant (by pathology).  In 5/59 patients, PET/CT was not suggest the primary tumor but then identified by orther methods. The sensitivity and specificity of  PET/CT were 86.5%, 84.3%, respectively. The location of the primary tumor in 38 patients was suggest by PET/CT, mainly in head and neck area (85.7%).

Conclusion: PET/CT is a high value diagnose method in suggest primary tumor for cervical lymp node metastasis of unknown primary tumor .

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