Arterial embolization in the treatment of giant hepatic hemangiomas Report 2 cases

Hoang Van Mang1, Doan The My1, Hoang Van Minh1, Nguyen The Toan1, Dang Huy Du1,
1 Central General Hospital Lang Son province

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Objective: Present 2 cases giant hemangiomas treated by
selected arterial embolization.
Materiel and method: 2 hepatic hemangiomas, 16 x 17cm and 6 x 9cm were diagnosed with CT scanner and embolized with PVA particles.
Result and Discussion: No severe complication is noted exempt fever and pain covered by medicaments. Short and long time follow-up, 4 years, prove the pain was removed and reducing the tumor dimension. Many authors have determined the effective of this method in the literature.
Conclusion: Arterial embolization can be carried out in conservative treatment of giant hepatic hemangioma against the pain and reducing the tumor volume, together it can be used in preoperative for reducing the volume tumor to avoid hemorrhage and
give safety for operation.

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