Result of Spect detection bone metastatic

Do Van Sang1, Nguyen Van Minh1,
1 Huu Nghi Hospital

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Applying bone-scan radiation with Tc99m - MDP to 576 patients, who are in different stages of arch, breast, colon, ovarian, lung, prostate, lymphoma, thyroid, bronchial, cervical, tongue, lower throat… cancers. The result has been shown that the percentage of lesion detection is about 22,08% (20.22%) patients, in which the rate of multiple damage accounted for 34.7% of the entire metastatic bone lesions and even for patients, who have been diagnosed early, the common locations of lesions are: ribs, spine bone. This ability of bone lesions early detection has helped many clinical positioning for biopsy, dividing in phases, treatment course, test after treatment.

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