Urinary candidiasis in a diabetes mellitus patient: case report
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Background and purpose: To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment Candiduria in diabetes mellitus patient.
Case report: A Candiduria in a diabetes mellitus patient was diagnosed with 2D, color USG, MSCT & urin exams..Result was confirmed by surgery and anatomopathlology. The treatment was carried out in 7-2011 at Binh Dan hospital.
Result: 2 rounds of Fluconazole was indicated, clinical and para-clinical symtoms have been improved, but fungal cells still existing in urine.
Conclusion: Fungal infection of the urinary tract is a uncommon disease often occurs in patients with immunodeficiency,
our case from diabetes mellitus.. Treatment should be considered to use system and local antifungal drugs.
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fungal infection, diabetes meltius type 2, Candiduria, antifungal drug
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