Endovascular embolisation methode in treatment of pancreatico duodenal arterial injuries

Nguyen Dinh Minh1, Du Duc Thien1, Tran Van Luong1,
1 Viet Duc Hospital

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Purpose: Study about the endovascular embolisation methode
in treatment of pancreatico duodenal arterial injuries.
Materials and menthod: between 11/2011 and 4/2012, four
patients with pancreatico duodenal vascular injuries on CT-Scanner
were treated by endovascular embolisation.
Result: All had hematoma and arterial injuries in pancrea ticoduodenal area on CT-Scanner,no indication of surgical
intervention. On angiogra phy, two patients had an injury of anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, one had gastroduodenal artery injury and one had injuries of posterior superior pancreatico duodenal and inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. The patients had successfully embolized by n-BCA glue. No complication was noted.
Conclusion: endovascular embolization is a safe, effective and suitable methode for pancreaticoduodenal arterial injury. The technique can develop in many healthcare centre in order to
reducing the ratio of surgical intervention.

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