Value of CT- Scanner in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis

Doan Van Ngoc1, Dao Danh Vinh2, Le Van Khang2,
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging from the Faculty of Medicine at the University National Hanoi
2 Bach Mai Hospital

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Acute appendicitis is most common in emergency surgical abdominal pathology. CT- Scanner is usually applied in atypical form of acute appendicitis which making difficult for diagnosis. Prompt CT-Scanner diagnosis can reduce the follow–up time,
exclude the wrong so as justify the perforated one.
Objective: Imaging description and assess the value of CTScanner in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Subjects and Methods: Cross-section descriptions of 92 subjects were clinically diagnosed pre-operation. CT scanner was carried out also before surgery. The CT-Scanner results was confronted to results of surgery and anatomopathology. Study performed in the Department of Surgery of Bach Mai Hospital from December 2008 to July 2010.
Results: The average diameter of the appendix inflammation was 10.32 ± 0.49 mm (min 5 mm, max 30 mm). Inflamed appendix diameter was more than 6 mm (83.5%) and wall thickness more than 2 mm (85.7%). Fat infiltration and fluid around the appendix was 84.6% and 50.5%, respectively. Appendix high density was compared with caecum (29.7%) and appendix enhancement was 89.0%. Thickness of caecum localized around the base of the appendix (26.4%). Stone of appendix, ganglion mesentericum and perforation complication were seen in 38.5%, 12.9% and 29.7%, respectively.
Conclusion: The CT-Scanner was very effective in diagnsosis of appendicitis, especially in difficult cases. It confirmed the location, size and complications of appencitis. The value of this modality is higher than US.

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