CT imaging in congenital esophageal atresia, tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) comparing with surgical results

Huynh Le Anh Vu1, L. V. Dam1, L. V. Minh1, P.Q.Minh1,
1 Binh Dinh Provincial General Hospital

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Purpose: To review some CT signs in congenital esophageal atresia, tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) and compare the CT
findings with surgical results.
Materials and Methods: Images, CT diagnostic results were collected and compared with the surgical descriptions in 7 cases
TEF from 12/2007-11/2010 at Binh Dinh hospital.
Results: Direct signs: atresis image of esophageal was visualized in 100% cases. The image of fistula between proximal
esophagus-trachea: true positive is 2/3 cases, true negative is 3/4. The image of fistula distal esophagus-trachea: true positive
is 3/6 cases, true negative are 1/1. Indirect signs: pneumonia and esophageal dilatation were visualized in 100% cases. Gaseous distention of the stomach and bowel was visualized in 3/4 cases which exist only lower fistula and 2/2 cases which exist both upper and lower fistula.
Conclusion: Between CT with surgery is concordantly in 5/7 cases, nonconcordantly in 2/7.

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