Research effects of 100 mCi dose Iodine- 131 on bone marrowin therapy for operated differentiated thyroid carcinoma
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Researching into the effects of 100 mCi dose I-131 on bone marrow of 31 operated differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients, after 03 months of I-131 therapy, through the characteristics of peripheral blood cells and hematopoietic precursors of bone marrow, comparing with prior to I-131 therapy, the results showed that:
On the peripheral blood circulation: Lymphocyte and thrombocyte counts were decreased obviously (p< 0.05). However, the mean values of lymphocyte and thrombocyte counts still belong to normal reference values; Erythrocyte lineage has not yet had affected signs of I-131 at dose of 100 mCi, that causes the decresae in erythrocyte count and hemoglobin concentration; The increase of patient percentage with unusual cytoplasm of Neutrophils (hypogranular neutrophil or the presence of vacuoles in cytoplasm)
(p= 0.01); The increase of patient percentage with large thrombocyte in dimension (p= 0.038).
On bone marrow: bone marrow cell counts were decreased
(p= 0.0001). However, the mean value of bone marrow cell counts still belong to normal reference value; The decrease of patient percentage found lymphocytic precursors and Basophilic meakaryocytes (p < 0.001); The increase of patient percentage found lymphocytes with cleaved nucleus (p= 0.01); The increase of patient percentage with unusual cytoplasm of granulocytic precursors (decreased azurophilic granules or the presence of vacuoles in cytoplasms) (p < 0.05).
Eeffects of 100 mCi dose Iodine- 131 on bone marrow
Article Details
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