Post-traumatic lumbar pseudo-aneurysm treatment by endovascular intervention

Le Thanh Dung1, Nguyen Thai Binh2, Vu Hoai Linh, Nguyen Huu Uoc3, Nguyen Thai Minh3,
1 Viet Duc Hospital
2 Viet Duc hospital
3 Department of Cardiac Surgery circuit, Viet Duc Hospital

Main Article Content



Pseudo-aneurysm of the lumbar artery is a rare lesion at the abdominal injury though these arteries have small dimension
and retro peritoneal localization. Ruprture of the aneurysm can
infl uence to the patient life. Diagnostic imaging and deciding to
early treatment play an important role.We present a case of the
affection being treated sucessfully by endoluminal intervention.

Article Details


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