Preparation of phosphorus-32 (p-32) from irradiated target p2o5 for therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine
Main Article Content
Phosphorus-32 is produced using the nuclear reaction 31P (n,γ) 32P by irradiation of the phosphorus peroxide
(P2O5) target. Phosphoric acid is prepared by the dissolution of irradiated target in 40 ml of boiling chloric acid 0,1 N.
When the dissolution of phosphor peroxide is completed, the beaker is allowed to cool. 8 ml of 30% H2O2 is added
and refl uxed for 3h. Finally, the solution is fi ltered through a sintered glass fi lter, porosity G3 and passed into a
column of cationic exchanger (Dowex-50 W-X4 preconditioned in hydrogen form) to remove metallic impurities. The
effl uent is collected as the stock solution.
Radiochemical purity is determined by paper chromatography (radiochemical purity control) in the solvent
system: Whatman No. 1 paper and the mixture of isopropyl alcohol : water : 50% trichloracetic acid : 25% NH4OH
(75:15:10:0.3 v/v.) as a mobile phase, developing time ranged from 12 to 17 h.
Radiochemical purity of phosphoric acid (H3
32PO4) solution prepared by our method is obtained more than 99%.
H3 32PO4, Phosphorus-32
Article Details
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