The assessement of the safety and efficacy of preoperative portal vein embolization using an Amplatzer vascular plug (AVP)

Le Thanh Dung1, Nguyen Duy Hue1, Trinh Hong Son1,
1 Hanoi Viet Duc Hospital

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Purpose: To determine the safety and efficacy related to the use of Amplatzer Vascular Plugs (AVP) for preoperative portal vein embolization.
Subjects and methods: Between 7/2011-7/2012, a total 16 AVP were embolized into the portal vein of 12 patient (HCC) prior to extended hepatic resection where the residual liver volume (RLV) was deemed sufficient (RLV < 30% in patient with normal liver, RLV
<40% in patient with liver cirrhosis. AVP were used combined with gel foam in 5 patients and histoacryl in 7 patient.
Result: The procedure was technically successful in 100% of cases. The rate of RLV growth was from 30 to 233 cm3 (mean at
133cm3). The rate surgical was 75% (3 patients were excluded: one insufficient growth of RVL, two metastasis). There were no major
complication and minor complication in two patients: abdominal pain.
Conclusion: AVP appear to be safety an effective for the preoperative embolization of portal vein, with low morbidity and sufficient growth of RLV.

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