The imaging and the role of multislice computed tomography of otosclerosis

Vu Thi Hau1, Le Van Khang1, Pham Minh Thong1,
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Bach Mai Hospital

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Objective: To describe the imaging characteristics of otosclerosis and to assess the role of multislice computed tomograph
in diagnosis of this disease.
Methods: About 45 patients (31 females, 14 males), clinically diagnosed as otosclerosis or hearing loss with unknown causes, underwent MSCT in Radiology Department between November 2013 and September 2014. All patients were surgically confirmed in ENT Department of Bach Mai Hospital or National ENT Hospital. Assessmentis based on the classification of Veillon and Portmann,
comparing the differences of hearing threshold, bone and ABG between lesion-type groups and comparing with surgery records.
Results: Mixed hearing loss accounts for the highest proportion. Regarding the affected sites on CT, the antefenestrum was affected
in 33 ears, the other sites are rare. The otosclerotic foci that greater than 1mm in diameter and not spreading into the membrane in the cochleaare dominate. According to the classification of Veillon, type Ib and II account for the highest percentage. When comparing the average air or bone conduction threshold and ABG between
differents groups, there are no statistically significant difference. The diagnostic value of CT scan in otosclerosis is up to 91.5% and its
sensitivity and specificity are more than 95%.
Conclusion: MSCT is an useful method in the diagnosis of otosclerosis and in the differential diagnosis with others causes of
hearing loss.

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