Management of renal colic

Bui Van Lenh1, Le Tuan Linh1,
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Ha Noi medical university Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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Renal colic is a frequently situation seen in emergency. The pathophysiological mechanisms of pain in acute renal colic is due
to increased intrapyelic pressure by ureteral obstruction with renal synthesis of prostaglandin E2. Intrarenal hemodynamic changes by increase the blood’s flow. The pharmacological treatment base on these pathophysiologicals mechanisms.
The diagnostic and radiological mission are relatively well codified in all emergency center. For the simple renal colic, the radiograph of the abdomen without preparation can identify the calcifications of stones on urinary tract. The ultrasound can detect the presence of stones in the kidney and in the urinary tract. In somes cases, ultrasound find only indirect sign obstruction of which suspect the migration of the renal stones into urinary tract. For complex colic, considering the sensitivity, the dose of radiation, the cost and quality of the information obtained, the scanner is the test of choice of the initial diagnostic tool.

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