Researching the value of biopsy under guideline of transrectal ultrasound in the diagnosis of Prostate cancer

Dr Nguyen Thanh Thuy1, Dr Nguyen Lan Huong1, Dr Nguyen Duy Hue2
1 Imaging dept, Bach Mai Hospital
2 Imaging dept, Vietnam-Germany Hospital

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Purpose: To describe the image of prostate cancer in transrectal ultrasound and to define the value of biopsy under guideline of transrectal ultrasound.
Materials and method: Prospective study on 190 patients with prostate biopsy in Viet Duc hospital from Sep/ 2013 to Aug/ 2014, of those 68 cases are cancer. Describe the transrectal ultrasound image and study the sensitivity, the specificity, the accuracy of biopsy under guideline of transrectal ultrasound.
Results: Prostate cancer on the transrectal ultrasound has the image of rough margin 73.5%; unclear between internal and external zone 54.4%; irregular hyper angiogenesis 61.8%; disappear the image of fat around prostate 52.9%; node with hypo-echo 100%, hyper angiogenesis 89.2%, rough margin 56.1% and in the external 67.6%. The 10 speciment prostate biopsy by transrectal ultrasound have the sensitivity 94.7%; the specificity 100.0%; the accuracy 98.0% and low complication with the rate of un-complication of 64.7%.
Conclusion: The prostate biopsy under guideline of transcretal ultrasound have high value in early diagnosis the prostate cancer, safely and less complication.

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