Variations of the hepatic arteries with 64 detector computer tomographic angiography
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Objectives: The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of different variants of hepatic artery with multi-detector
computed tomography (MDCT).
Patients and methods: A total of 500 patients consecutive abdominal CT angiography performed on a 64 row CT system
were evaluated. Anatomical findings were grouped according to the Michels classification.
Results: An anomalous arterial pattern was observed in 20% of the cases (n=500). The most common abnormality was Michels
type III (7.4%), followed by type IX (3%), type V (2.8%), type VIII (2.6%), type II (1.2%) , type VI (1%) s. Type IV, VII and X was not
observed in our study. Unclassified variations were observed in 2% of the cases.
Conclusions: The new generation of 64 row MDCT allows detailed visualization of the vascular anatomy. The knowledge of
variant anatomy may assist in the selection of treatment options and surgical planning, which in turn facilitates surgical dissection and helps avoiding iatrogenic injury.
CT angiography, Hepatic artery.
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