The MSCT diagnostic values for bladder cancer

Dr Le Minh Hoan1, Dr Tran Cong Hoan2
1 Ha Noi medical university
2 Viet Duc Hospital

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Bladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor of urinary tract. Most of them arise from transitional epithelium cells (98%), within 90% from transitional urothelia cells, 6% from squamous cells [1]. The gold standard to diagnosis bladder cancer is cystoscopy with biopsy. MDCT is recommended to assess tumor’s location and invasion. It is valuable in stage classification and management decision, especially for surgery. Purposes: “Describe the MSCT imaging characteristics of bladder cancer” and “assess value of MSCT in diagnosis bladder cancer”.
Materials and methods: From 8/2013 to 8/2014, there are 92 consecutive patients with bladder cancer were undergone 64-slide-  CT urography. All of them were undergone operation with pathology after surgery.
Results: The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for bladder cancer invasion detection were 89.6%; 81.1% and 85.9%. About
tumor classification (T), the sensitivity of stage <T3a was 81.8%; the specificity was 89.6% and the accuracy was 85.9%. For Stage T3b, the sensitivity was 90.6%; the specificity was 96.7% and the accuracy was 94.5%. The sensitivity and specificity of stage T4 was high, especially were 100% in stage T4b. The detecting of lymphatic nodules in MDCT was quite good, with the sensitivity was 85.7%. The bigger lymphatic nodules were, the higher risk of malignancy was.
Conclusion: MSCT is valuable in stage classification of bladder cancer.

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