Results of endovascular treatment of posterior fossa intracranial aneuryms
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Purpose: To evaluate the results of endovascular treatment of posterior fossa intracanial aneuryms.
Method and materials: Fourty one patients harboring fourty five posterior fossa intracranial aneuryms were treated by
endovascular therapy from 2012 to 2015 at Bach Mai Hospital. Clinical outcomes and follow-up of aneurysm occlusion’s result
were classified by modified Rankin Scale and on MRI imaging.
Results: Twenty eight patients presented subaranoidien hemorrhage and thirteen patients without SAH. Different technics
were used such as coiling embolization (44.4%), coiling with balloon remodeling technics (22.2%), coiling with stenting (2.3%), flow-diverter stenting (6.7%) and parent artery occlusion (24.4%). The rate of complete aneurysm occlusion, neck residue and partial
occlusion were 80%; 11.1% and 8.9% respectively. Result of good outcomes (mRS 0-2) was 85.4% and mortality was 12.2%. Almost
of aneurysms post treatment were stability (84.6%), only 15,4% aneurysm were slight recanalization. The hospitalization duration
of unruptured and ruptured aneurysm were 9.3 and 17.8 days, respectively.
Conclusion: Endovascular treatment of posterior circulation aneurysms showed efficace of clinical outcome and stability with
low morbility and mortality.
Aneurysm, posterior circulation aneurysm, embolization
Article Details
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