The correlation between arterial lesion imaging on digittal substraction angiography with location and level of critical foot ischemia

Le Van Thanh1, Dao Danh Vinh2, Pham Minh Thong2,
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hanoi Medical University Hospital
2 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Bach Mai Hospital

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Purpose: Description characterization critical ischemia and foot arterial lesion imaging on digittal substraction angiography. Description correlation between arterial lesion imaging on digittal substraction angiography with location and level of critical foot ischemia.
Meterials and methods: 44 patients (28 male and 16 female) with the mean age of 69.3 years, with critical foot ischemia taken DSA from 8/2015 to 8/2012. Description research with prospective and retrospective. The correlation coefficient r and p significance
is calculated by Spearman’s method.
Results: In 111 critical ischemia regions: 45.95% belong to the posterior tibial artery, 33.33% anterior tibial artery, 20.72% peroneal artery. In 111 critical ischemia regions: 63.97% in the toes, 5.4% feet, 30.63% heel and lateral- anterior ankle. In 44 limbs: 22.7% having 1 critical ischemia regions alone; 34.1% with 2 region and 43.2% with ≥ 3 regions. In this number: 25% limbs with heaviest stage in rest pain, 61.36% in minor tissue loss and 13,64 % in major tissue loss. In 264 arteries: 46.05% with stenosis < 50% and 26.14% total stenosis with ≥ ½ in length. In 129 arteries with stenosis ≥ degree of 3: 28.68% belong to dorsal
pedis artery, 48.06% branches from posterior tibial artery, 23.26% branches from peroneal arteries. The correlation coefficient r and significance p between foot arterial lesion and the level of critical foot ischemia, respectively: r from 0.755 to 0.891, all significance p <0.001.

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