The role of CT-Scanner in diagnosis of intraventricle hemorrhage

Pham Hong Manh1, Pham Minh Thong2, Nguyen Van Thanh3, Vu Dang Luu4,
1 Ha Nam Provincial General Hospital
2 Bach Mai hospital
3 Ha Noi medical university
4 Department of Diagnostic Imaging photo, Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content



Objective: To describe the feature of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) image in CT scanner and beginning describe some reasons
related to IVH in adults.
Methods: In a cross - sectional using quantitative methods, we chose 52 patients who definitive diagnosed IVH by CT scan in
Bach Mai hospital from August/2014 to September/2015.
Results: The most common location hematoma in primary parenchyma is hippocampal central gray (55.55%), the most
common location of IVH is occipital horn ventricular, the more greater hematoma size, the more high risk of poor prognosis, the
more higher level of IVH, the high risk of poor prognosis. In people over 50 years old, the most common causes of IVH is hypertension
and hypertension coordinate with other causes (51%),while people under 50 years old, they usually caused by vascular abnormalities
(30%), the main causes of thalamus lobe bleeding and hippocampal central gray bleeding is hypertension (25%), lobe of brain bleeding caused by aneurysm (42.86%).
Conclusion: When patients are diagnosed stroke, they must be take CT scanner image immediately, when the results showed IVH image, they must be take cerebrovascular CT scanner with multiple array receiver, with intravenous injection of contrast dye to initially find the causes.

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