Evaluate the characteristics of coronary artery fistulas by 256 - slice dual - source computed tomography
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Objective: Evaluate the characteristics of coronary artery fistulas (CAFs) by 256-slice dual - source computed tomography (DSCT).
Material and methods: During 9 months (between September 2015 and May 2016), study on 33 patients were diagnosed with CAFs on 256-slice dual-source computed tomography (Somatom Definition Flash, Siemens) at Radiology Departement of Bach Mai hospital, prospective descriptive study.
Result: We enrolled 33 patients (19 male, 14 female, mean age 50.1 years) with CAFs on DSCT. 13 patients had multiple fistulas (39.4%), 20 patients had single communication (60.6%).
12.1% originated from the right coronary, 42.4% arose from the left coronary artery system and 45.5% from both right and left
coronary artery. 84.8% of fistulas drain to the right side of the circulation: pulmonary artery (67.9%), right ventricle (14.3%), right atrium (10.7%), coronary sinus (7.1%). 5 patients had
fistulas drain to the left side of the circulation (left atrium). Significant correlation between the size of fistula and degree of clinical symptoms and complications (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: DSCT is a noninvasive and useful modality for diagnosis of CAFs.
Coronary artery fistula, 256 slice DSCT
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