Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: from ultrasound to MRI

Dr Vu Hai Thanh1
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vietnam - Germany Hospital

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Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: From ultrasound to MRI. Former GIST was considered as leiomyoma, shwannoma, epithelioma. Histoimmuno logy determined with Protein KIT CD117 and the presence of interstitial cell Cajal. GIST is not
rare but not be early diagnosed. Conventional X Ray, USG, CT scanner, MRI and PET can find. Though almost discovered
hazardly during screening examination, we use USG for detection then CT Scanner detail study.
Comment and Results: 6 cases was noted, 4 hazardly, operation and histology affirmed. Sex M/F 2/6, 4 cases under 3
cm as dimension, unique cas 30x40 cm. Metastase not yet found. All are healthy after 3 years.
Conclusion: The affection is hazardly found. All imaging modalities can detected. 5 year survival depend on tumor dimension. Metastasis often to liver, mesentery but late. USG and CT is used also to follow up after interventional and target therapy. Early diagnosis rely on screening control and community care.

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