Applicaton of lung low dose scan on msct system Bach Mai radiology center, 2018
Main Article Content
Summary: Target (main point, purpose of this reseach); Standard dose CT ( SDCT) has been one of the most valuable techniques in term of diagnosing lung diseases. But it also have side effect that huge radiation dose is absorbed to patients body; In order to reduce this side effect is low dose CT scan (LDCT); LDCT help patients reduce radiation dose absorb to their body.
Subject: 300 patients with SDCT scan: 120 kV, 87.5 - 140mAs; 300 patients with LDCT scan: 100 kV, 35-52.5 mAs. Hitachi CT 128 slices System. Evaluate image quality, dose information( CTDI vol, DLP, Effective dose) of two group
Result: Effective dose: SDCT: 120kV, 87,5-140mAs and LDCT: 100kV, 35-52.5mAs => LDCT reduce 2,5 time compare to SDCT; Absorded dose CTDI vol of LDCT: 2,3 + - 0.5 mAs à reduce by 60% compare to SDCT (P<0,001); DLP of LDCT: 80+- 159.99 à reduce by 65% compare to SDCT ( P<0.001). Quality of image: both are the same and enough for diagnose
Conclusion: Absorbed dose and effective dose of LDCT are reduce significantly. The image quality are still have enough value for diagnose.
: CT reduces the dose of rays, Low-dose chest CT;, Pulmonary nodule, Risk factors for lung nodules
Article Details
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