Research on images of elastography ultrasound for hepatocellular carcinoma patients

Nguyen Phuoc Bao Quan1, Truong Thi Dieu Thuy1, Ngo Thi Xuan Lan1,
1 Hue central hospital

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Background: Foreseeing and treating Hepatocellular
carcinoma depends on the sizes, number of tumors and the levels of Liver Fibrisis. Nowadays, thanks to advances in modern technology, there have been more and more projects recognizing the vital role of ultrasound in fortifying clues for diagnosis, especially the role of ultrasound elastography liver. Ultrasound elastography liver measures the stiffness of affected tumors, then
says more about their dimensions, margins as well as the status of liver fibrisis. This process will help much in curing the disease.
Objective: To do research on characteristics of 2D ultrasound Images and ultrasound elastography for Hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
Methods: Studies are carried on 20 patients diagnosed
suffering from Hepatocellular carcinoma. And all of the patients are subject to belly 2D and elastography ultrasound by Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse method (ARFI) with ACUSON Antares machine.
Results: Apparently, ultrasound elastography gives bigger
size of the tumors, compared to 2D.
Conclusions: Studying Hepatocellular patients with
ultrasound elastography brings about solid evidence of sizes of tumors and liver parenchymas around the shear wave velocity.

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