18Flourodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computer Tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) for extranodal non Hodgkin lymphoma in staging and treatment response assessment

Dr Mai Hong Son1, Dr Le Ngoc Ha1
1 Department of Nuclear Medicine, 108 Central Military Hospital

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Background: the aim of our study to investigate the role of 18F-FDG PET/CT for extranodal lymphoma non Hodgkin in
staging and treatment response’s assessment.
Methods: In our center, a total of 38 consecutive B-cell non- Hodgkin extranodal lymphoma patients were newly diagnosed
between December 2013 to January 2016. All these patients were undergone 18F-FDG PET/CT scan before treatment, after
3- cycle and 6-cycle chemotherapy. The assessment criteria were followed by modified Ann Aborr for staging and Lugano 2015 for treatment response.
Results: there were 13.2% of patients in stage IE, 7.9% in stage II3, 21.1% in stage IIIE and 47.9% ín stage IV. According to
PET/CT staging, 56.2% of patients were upstaging in comparision to CT and 26.3% of patients have been changed in treatment’s
stratergies. Kappa statistics revealed that CT and PET/CT showed fair agreement for the detection of extranodal lymphoma.
After 6-cycle chemotherapy, 26/38 patients had no evidence of residuals or relapse and 7/38 patients showed partial response
and 5/38 patients was in advanced diseases on PET/CT imaging. The positive and negative PET/CT after 3 cylces chemotherapy
may predicted the treatment’s response after 6 cylces (p=0.4).
Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET/CT has higher value than CT for staging and important role in assessment of treatment’s
response of extranodal lymphoma non Hodgkin patients.

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