Correlation research of 640 slice coronary computed tomography scanning angiography and digital subtraction angiography at Vinmec Da Nang
Main Article Content
Purposes: To descriptive coronary artery imaging by the 640 slice coronary computed tomography scanning. To determine the value between coronary computed tomography scanning angiography and digital subtraction angiography.
Materials and methods: Describe imaging characteristics and stratify. There are 310 patients with the 640 slice coronary computed tomography scanning Toshiba Aquillion One in the period from 1.1.2019 to 30.8.2021 and among whom 42 cases followed by digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
Results: The average age is 59,5±12,5 years old and male/female about 3/1. HR 68,28±18,67 bpm. Radiation dose < 5 mSV (90%), average dose 3,79±0,96mSv. Calcium score is mostly mild level, distributed all arterial branches. LAD is accounted for the highest percentage of calcification(> 50%) and many narrow position. The most narrow position is proximal location and the most narrow level is mild.
The value table
Value | Se (%) | Sp (%) | Accuracy (%) |
LM | 100 | 100 | 100 |
LAD | 97,5 | 100 | 97,6 |
LCx | 90,9 | 90,0 | 95,2 |
RCA | 93,3 | 91,7 | 92,9 |
Conclusion:.Coronary computed tomography scanning evaluated anatomy, abnormal orginal position, variant and the narrow of position and level. Digital subtraction angiography has difficultly identifying abnormal variant except myocardial brigde. The values with sensitivity, specificity and accurary of coronary artery stenosis assessement by computed tomography scanning angiography showed high.
coronary aretry, coronary computed tomography scanning, digital subtraction angiography, coronary artery anatomy, coronary artery variant
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