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Calcualting intra-aneurysm flow uses the optical flow with computational fluid dynamics simulation on the numerical analysis. This is a new method to better understand intravascular flow and aneurysm flow as well as factors related to the inflow vortex, and the inflow jet which increase the rupture risk on patients with aneurysm. The risk was provenly related to process of formation and development of the aneurysm besides factors mentioned in previous meta-analysis studies, such as female, aneurysm size, location like in the anterior communication artery or posterior arteries, smoking, hypertension, and aneurysm shape, ...
Objectives and subjects: A prospective study was conducted between July 2021 and July 2022. There were total 127 patients with aneurysm who took DSA – AneurysnsFlow and received treatment at Bach Mai hospital.
Results: In 127 patients with 170 aneurysms, there was 139 aneurysms in different location which were calculated their flow by AneurysmsFlow software in DSA at Bach Mai hospital. The flow model affected mostly on the aneurysm wall, the most frequently seen was in the base (64.8%), or body (29.1%). Only 15% of aneurysm showed that the flow affected to aneurysm neck. According to the simple Cerebral classification based on inflow and the formation of the vortex as well as the consistence of the vortex, the flow group I (57.6%) is the most prevalent, next is the group IV (19.4%), the group II (12.2%), and the last one is the group III (10.8%). Simple consistent aneurysm models, large effect region, and large flow size were usually seen at unrupture aneurysms. Conversely, rupture aneurysms were likely to have vortex model, small effect area, and small flow size.
Conclusion: Flow calculation on DSA – Aneurysms Flow help to understand better the dynamic of flow in the mother artery and aneurysm which help to consider early treatment in high-risk ruptured aneurysm as well are thoroughly understand the dynamic inside the ruptured aneurysm to have a right treatment plan.
: intravascular flow, cerebral aneurysm, DSA – Aneurysms
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