Hoang Duc Thang1,, Nguyen Xuan Hien1
1 Tam Anh General Hospital

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    Summary Objective: We aimed to elvaluate the effectiveness early outcomes of PAE in treating 10 BPH patients with acute urinary retention.

   Method and results: in this prospective study approved by the institutional review board, a signed informed consent was obtained. There were ten patients with AUR due to BPH from 01/2021 to 12/2022. The patients were successful removal of the bladder catheter after 10-15 days. Post-intervention 3 months, average evaluation of IPSS, Qol, PSA (ng/ml) and PV (cm3) decreased 58,48%; 76,03%; 80,95%; 29,97% (ultrasound) 31,75% (MRI); Qmax 12,46(ml/s), PVR 45,84(ml)

  Conclusion: PAE in patients with AUR due to BPH is safe and effective

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