Mạnh Trường Lê1,, Le Ngoc Thuy2, Le Xuan Ngoc2
1 Bệnh viện Ung bướu Thanh Hóa
2 Thanh Hoa Oncology Hospital

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Objective: To evaluate activity and determine the isolation time of patients with thyroid cancer after the patients take the administered dose of I-131.

Subject and method: Our prospective descriptive research on 215 thyroid cancer patients, were treated the administered dose of I-131 of 50 mCi, 100 mCi and 150 mCi. Measure the activity of the patients at different times; compare the results with the regulations and recommendations to determine the isolation period.

Results: The patients receiving administered dose of 50 mCi and 100 mCi can be discharged from hospital after 24 hours and 48 hours respectively; with the highest administered dose of 150 mCi can be discharged after 72 hours.

Conclusion: Each administered dose has different requirements for elimination and discharge time. After discharge, depending on the residual activity, the patient determines how long to limit contact with others.

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