Nguyen Nhat Quang1,, Nguyen Duy Hung2, Le Thanh Dung3
1 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital
2 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hanoi Medical University.
3 Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content


The 59-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital for symptoms of facial pain on the left side. The onset of the disease 5 years ago. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging with 3D T2W pulse sequence and injection shows images of developmental venous anomaly (DVA) where the left cerebellar peduncle is enlarged and drained to the superior petrosal vein, compressing the nerve exit zone (REZ). The patient underwent microvascular decompression surgery (MVD), after surgery, the patient is now almost asymptomatic, no need to take additional analgesics. Routine magnetic resonance imaging combined with T2W 3D, TOF 3D, T1W 3D pulse sequences after Gadolium injection is recommended to detect the causes of vascular nerve conflict.

Article Details


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