Role of the ultrasound- guided core needle biopsy in the assessment of cervical lymphadenopathy

Vu Thi Thu Lan1, Le Huy Thai1, Nguyen Thi Hang1, Nguyen Viet Ha1, THI HOA VU2,
1 Central Military Hospital 108
2 Bệnh viện Trung Ương Quân Đội 108

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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and factors influencing of ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy (US-CNB).

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 201 patients with suspected cervical lymphadenopathy in clinical practice, having a transverse diameter ≥ 5mm, who underwent US-CNB at the Diagnostic Ultrasound Department of 108 Military Central Hospital from January 2022 to September 2023.

Results: A total of 201 suspected cervical lymphadenopathys, metastatic lymph nodes were the majority at 105 cases (52.2%), lymphoma at 32 cases (15.9%), and benign lymph nodes at 64 cases (31.9%). Adequate diagnostic and histopathological subtyping specimens constituted the majority with 126 cases (62.6%), specimens requiring additional testing for diagnosis were 51 cases (25.4%), specimens deemed inadequate were 7 cases (3.5%), and equivocal specimens requiring surgical excision were 17 cases (8.5%). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of cervical lymphadenopathy US-CNB were 93.4%, 100%, and 95.5%, respectively. Among 32 lymphomas, 21 cases were diagnosed through US-CNB, and the remaining 11 cases required surgery, resulting in an overall accuracy of 65.6% for diagnosing lymphoma. Inadequate lymphadenopathy specimens were more common in the lymphoma group compared to metastatic and benign lymph nodes, and this difference was statistically significant with p < 0.05. Differences in transverse diameter, necrotic features, and needle size between the two groups were not statistically significant. No complications were encountered post-US-CNB.

Conclusion: US-CNB is a safe and effective method for diagnosing cervical lymphadenopathy with high accuracy and minimal invasiveness

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