Diagnostic imaging of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome: Two rare cases report diagnosed at Hanoi Medical University Hospital

Nguyen Thu Lan1, , Nguyen Thai Binh2, Le Viet Dung1, Le Tuan Linh2
1 Center for CDHA and CTQQ Hanoi Medical University Hospital
2 Department of College of Medicine, Hanoi Medical University

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Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a rare inflammatory process of unknown etiology, affecting the cavernous sinus or/within the superior orbital fissure, with an incidence of 1-2 per million people. Because of the difficulty in establishing histological evidence, his diagnosis is based on a set of criteria established by the International Headache Society. MRI allows indirect visualization of the granuloma and plays a key role in diagnosis and follow-up. We would like to report two cases with the diagnosis of Tolosa- Hunt syndrome at Hanoi Medical University Hospital.

Two patients, a 52-year-old male and a 50-year-old female, came to the hospital because of orbital pain and ophthalmoplegia for 3 months. Blood tests, cerebrospinal fluid, thyroid hormone levels, and screening for infection as well as screening for primary tumors were performed, which showed no abnormality. 1.5T brain MRI in both patients revealed enlarged, non-massive lesions in the ipsilateral cavernous sinus with clinical symptoms, suggesting an inflammatory cause. Tolosa Hunt syndrome is presented after other causes have been ruled out. Both patients responded well to high-dose corticosteroid therapy and did not relapse after 6-8 months of follow-up. Therefore, we have a final diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome.

Article Details


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