Le Tuan Linh1, Vuong Thu Ha2, Pham Xuan Thanh2, Nguyễn Sơn3,
1 Department of diagnostic imaging - Hanoi Medical University
2 Center for diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology - Hanoi Medical University Hospital.
3 Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội

Main Article Content


        Introduction: MRI  is used to diagnose all the stages even when the clinical findings are subtle like in stage, thereby shortens the clinical course. The purpose of this study was to correlate the MR findings with the clinical stages of adhesive capsulitis and propose a staging system

        Subject and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with 42 patients who is diagnosised frozen shoulder and taken MRI shoulder at Radiology and Inventional center in Ha Noi Medical University Hospitals from 03/2023 to 03/2024.

         Results: In 42 patients with frozen shoulder undergoing MRI, the most common age group was 50-60, accounting for 45.2%. Patients with moderate and severe shoulder pain with average VAS score: (VAS): 6.66 ± 1.22. Neer's sign is the most common sign with 60% of patients, followed by Hawkins signs  about 55%. The most common signs on MRI are infiltration of the rotator cuff space at a rate of 76.2% and edema of the inferior glenohumeral ligament  at a rate of 74%. The average thickness of the inferior glenohumeral and coracoid glenohumeral ligaments were 3.9±1.25mm and 3.4±0.85mm.

Keywords: Frozen shoulder, Infiltration of the rotator cuff space, Edema of the inferior humeral glenohumeral ligament.

 Keywords :Frozen Shoulder, Infiltration of the rotator cuff space, Edema of the Inferior humeral glenohumeral ligament.

Article Details


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