The ultrasoundgraphic appearance of breast cancer at Bach Mai Hospital

Nguyen Thi Mai Anh1, Nguyen Hong Hai1, Pham Minh Thong1,
1 Hanoi Medical University

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Objective: Describer the ultrasoundgraphic appearance of breast cancer.
Methods: Data was collected from 49 patients who underwent breast ultrasound, guided interventional and operated procedures from august 2017 to june 2019, diagnosis of breast cancer. Study the imaging findings based on guidline of ACR BI-RADS 2013.
Results: Ultrasoundgraphic appearance: 100% breast cancer lesions are mass, 85,7% tumors having irregular shape. There are 75,5% tumor having not orientation parallel to skin surface. Spiculated and angular margin 63,3%, 73,5% tumors having hypoechoic, 40,8% tumor having calcification in mass.
Conclusion: Most of breast cancer tumors having mass finding, irregular shape. The findings as orientation not parallel to skin surface, speculated or angular margin, hypoechoic and having calcification in mass are suspected to breast cancer.

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