The value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in diagnosis of prostate cancer
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Purpose: The aim of study was to determine the value of MRS in diagnosis of prostate carcinoma especially for differentiating
begnin from malignant lesion of the prostate.
Materials and methods: During a period of 4/2014 to 6/2016, 25 consecutive patients with elevated PSA level or clinical suspiciousness were evaluated with MRS of the prostate. The
results were confirmed by TRUS-guided biopsy. We compare two groups (prostate carcinoma/PCa and prostate non-caricnoma/
PNCa) by variant: mean of the choline plus creatine -to- citrate. Analyzing ROC curve to find the value of MRS in differentiating begnin from malignant tissue of the prostate.
Results: Patients range in age from 40 to 89 years (mean 71±12year). 08 patients were confirmed to have PNCa (32%), whereas 17 patients had PCa (68%). The mean of (Cho+ Cr)/
Ci values for PNCa and PCa were 0.50± 0.31 and 2.64± 1.22 respectively. The mean of (Cho+Cr)/ Ci value of PCa was significantly higher than PNCa (p<0.05). On ROC curve, using discrimination threshold of (Cho+Cr)/ Ci is 0.84, the MRS provided a sensitivity of 94.1%, specificity of 87.5% for differentiating NPCa
from PCa.
Conclusion: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the prostate can be use to differentiate begnin from malignant tissue with high accuracy.
Prostatic carcinoma, non-carcinoma, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, TRUS
Article Details
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