Perfusion mri in differentiation of glioblastoma multiforme from solitary brain metastasis
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Objective: Objective of this study is to describe the value of Perfusion MR Imaging in the differentiation of glioblastoma from solitary brain metastasis.
Material and Methods: Between 06/2015 and 04/2017, a descriptive cross-sectional study involved 58 patients with solitary brain tumor (26 solitary brain metastases and 32 glioblastomas) underwent preoperative conventional MR Imaging, Perfusion MR Imaging and histopathologically determined glioblastomas or metastases after stereotactic biopsy or partial resection. The conventional MR Imaging and Perfusion MR Imaging in these patients were analysed. Relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV)
was calculated and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed. To obtain the cut-off value of rCBV presenting a statistical difference between the two tumors groups.
Results:Tumoral rCBV ratio presented no significant different between two tumor groups. Peritumoral rCBV ratios of glioblastomas (1,44 ± 0,52) significantly differentiated from those of solitary brain metastases (0,63 ± 0,31) (p = 0,935). The cut-off value was taken as 1,045 in the peritumoral rCBV ratio provided sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 90,6 %, 92,6%, 96,67% and 89,92%, respectively.
Conclusion:Perfusion-weighted MR imaging enable distinction between glioblastoma and solitary brain metastasis
Glioblastoma, Solitary brain metastasis, Perfusion MR Imaging.
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