Posterior cruciate ligament injury: evaluation with preoperative mr imaging
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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the imaging characteristics and the value of preoperative MRI in posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tears.
Material and methods: Between January 2015 and December 2016, 48 patients with a postoperative diagnosis of PCL tear and
available MR images of the knee were involved in a descriptive crosssectional study. Imaging characteristics of PCL tears and associated injuries were described and compared with operative report.
Results: PCL average diameter was 7,6 ± 2,1 mm, a statistically significant difference was found between PCL thickness < 7mm group and those of ³ 7mm group. Intrasubstance fluid signal intensity of PCL was detected in 79,2% of cases. Anterior cruciate ligament tears commonly associated with PCL tears (64,6%) in multiple ligament injuries. MRI has sensitivity, specificity of 89% and 86% respectively in detection complete PCL tears.
Conclusion: MRI provides accurate diagnostic of PCL tear preoperatively, intrasubstance fluid signal intensity, anteroposterior
diameter ³ 7mm can be considered evidence of a torn PCL with a high degree of certainly.
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tears, posterior cruciate ligament injury, preoperative MR imaging
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