Computed tomography features of lung cancer patients before tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment and response assessment by recist 1.1
Main Article Content
1. Describe computed tomography features of non-small cell lung cancer before tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment.
2. Treament response assessment by RECIST 1.1.
Patients and method: Cross-sectional, retrospective and prospective study of 36 non- small cell lung cancer patients, EGFR mutations positive, treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor from 08/2018 to 06/2018, having Computed Tomography image after 3 and 6 months treament.
Results: Tumors located mainly in peripheral of the lung (77,8%). The most common position is the right upper lobe (30,5%), the least common position is the right middle lobe (5,6%). There are 83,3% of tumors with the size over 3cm. 100% of tumor have irregular and spicules magin. Solid mass accounted for 63,9%, partly solid mass
(33,3%), one tumor is cavity form. Medium attenuation value is 27 HU in pre-contrast and 57,1 HU in post-contrast CT scan. Lymph node
metastasis in 27 (61%) patients. Lymph node metastasis is mainly occured in paratracheal nodes [2,4(R,L), 3] (48%), A-Pwindow, paraaortic
nodes (5,6) (12%), subcarinal nodes (7) (16%), supraclavicular nodes (1) (20%). After 3 months treament, partial response: 17 patients
(52,8%), stable disease: 19 patients (47,2%). After 6 months treament, partial response: 14 patients (38,9%), stable disease: 20 patients (55,6%),
progressive disease: 2 patients (5,5%).
1. Computed TomographyFeatures can be used to diagnose lung cancer.
2. Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment is effective inadvancednonsmall cell lung cancer.
lung cancer, computed tomography, tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment, Recist 1.1
Article Details
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