Research on imaging characteristic of endoscopic ultrasound in esophageal cancer
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Purpose: The aim of study was decribed the imaging characteristics of endoscopic ultrasound in esophageal cancer.
Methods and materials: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 40 patients with esophageal cancer were assigned to endoscopic ultrasound.
Results: All study subjects were male with mean age 58.33 ± 7.24. 97.5% of SCC; 2.5% were high-grade dysplasia, none of the patients had adenocarcinoma. Moderately differentiated dominate 55%, 25% highly differentiated and 20% poorly differentiated. .Location of lesions on endoscopy is common in the middle and lower thirds of the esophagus. 85% of esophageal cancer lesions are hypoechoic, 7.5% hyperechoic, and 7.5% mixed. Of which, 70% are heterogeneous, the remaining are homogenous. The lesion size is less than half the circumference accounting for 62.5% and larger than half the circumference accounting for 32.5%. TNM classification on endoscopic ultrasound according to AJCC 8th stage T: Tis (7.5%), T1a (45%), T1b (30), T2 (10%), T3(7.5%). Stage N: N0 (70%), N1 (27.5%), N2 (2.5%). TNM stage: Stage 0 (5%), IA (15%), IB (47.5%), IIB (25%), IIIA (5%), IIIB (2.5%).
Conclusion: Endoscopic ultrasound plays an important role in diagnosis and staging in patients with esophageal cancer
endoscopic ultrasound, esophageal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma
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